The pharmacist’s advice that puts millions in crisis

    The pharmacist’s advice that puts millions in crisis

    The world is divided into two classes: from below Shower Use the sponge They lather, and those who depend on their hands. A seemingly insignificant choice, but on social media it succeeded in creating a real debate between supporters of one and the other. To defend the category of those who prefer to use only their hands, come on Tik Tok A pharmacist took the field and explained the inconveniences associated with using a sponge.

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    Sponge bathing, because it’s wrong

    Reply to a video tiktoker I was surprised to find that there are people who do without sponges for their wash Pharmacist Not only do they exist, he emphasized, but they are also “more rational and wiser.” So @farmaceuticofernandez has listed the hidden dangers of using the seemingly harmless tool. “With sponges – he explains – there is a lot of friction and this stresses the skin even more due to excessive abrasion, which leads to the elimination of more cells than necessary. In addition, the sponge remains moist and warm, to which dead cells are added: ideal conditions for their multiplication bacteria». But that’s not all, the pharmacist assures: “As a bactericidal compound there is no comparison, so if you don’t use it, you prevent a possible infection. If you don’t use it, you prevent a possible infection.”


    An explanation that quickly went viral with over a million and a half hits and comments of all kinds on the matter: from those who assert they’ve done it their entire lives, to those who admit they’ve never used a sponge because they suffer from dermatitis.


    Hundreds of comments: “I hate sponges, I rarely ever use them”, “I have been bathing with a sponge for 46 years and now I find that it hurts”, “I have never seen an infection from a sponge”, “The sponge is unsanitary”, “The team glove you use for washing and throw it away” ».

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