WhatsApp brings with it many new features and features. In this case we will see how to create links on the platform. Creation takes only a few simple steps.
The current age we live in is the digital age with the power of color. The web area has affected practically all of us and is moving its course in a linear and fast way. In fact, not calling at least once a day is quite complicated. To confirm this sector, there are some interesting platforms that are becoming increasingly important, such as The WhatsApp.
The main Meta platform is recording higher and higher numbers. Users know that with the application they can perform various functions. from Quick message That relates to our private life down to documents or other messages that concern our side professionals. In short, everything is really possible with WhatsApp thanks to its multiple features and options.
the Application success It’s not random at all. This has come after years and years of updates and improvements. All the work has allowed users to get an increasingly new experience. Numerous features have also ensured a certain ease of use such as The possibility of wanting to hide the WhatsApp icon. From hiding the icon, this time we will move on to creating a WhatsApp link. Let’s see what they are and how they are created.
WhatsApp, how to create a link
Let’s start by saying that WhatsApp links are nothing more than quick links that connect to a group or a specific person. By clicking on the link, you get straight to the heart of the connection. This tool is intended to Speed ​​up communication Between people who don’t have the number in their contacts.
There are different types of WhatsApp links. some have Classic format while other gods qr codes. From the phone, the establishment is very simple and can be done in two ways: the first is to establish the connection using the string https://wa.me/39phonenumber. The customizable part comes after the last slash. Once created we can move on to sharing. The connection will only work if the number entered is associated with the platform contact.
The other way is to generate a QR code that points to the contact. In this case we have to open the application from the phone and access the settings. Then we access the QR code function located in the upper right and go to Share.
Create links across the desktop and web version
For those using the platform from a computer, a link can only be created via a file Manual URL generation. QR code, for desktop and web not available. The connection string is the one mentioned for the smartphone procedure. Once the link is established, we can proceed to sharing. Always remember that the number in the link must be associated with a WhatsApp contact.
How to create a link to a group
Before creating a link to access a group, we need to get permission from all attendees. After obtaining it we can proceed by going to the information itself and at the bottom we can access the option “Invite via the linkFrom here we can manage our link.
This practice is also very similar in the web version of the platform. Among the options we will also have the possibility to create and share a file QR code. This is only possible indesktop applications.
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