Italy and Australia: Meeting of the Order in Canberra – News from the Embassies

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    (ANSA) – Sydney, November 25 The meeting of the order, the first after the outbreak of the epidemic, took place today at the Italian Embassy in Canberra, in the presence of all the Italian consuls in Australia, and the directors and representatives of the Italian cultural institutes. From ICE and Enit in the country. The guests of honor are Senator Francesco Giacobbi and Honorable Nicola Kerr, elected and reconfirmed in the foreign constituency. The morning session, in the presence of the presidents and general secretaries of the four Italian-Australian Chambers of Commerce, was devoted to economic and trade relations and integrated promotion, and was presented by Domenico Mauriello, Secretary General of the Assocamestero Association. Among the topics on the agenda: strengthening bilateral exchanges, developing strategic partnerships in sectors with great potential, and promoting “Made in Italy” and Italy as a whole.

    The afternoon work was also intense, divided into two total areas: the first concerned the consular services, their modernization and the needs of society, with the participation, among others, of the heads of all the colleges and provinces. CGIE, while its second theme was the promotion of the Italian language, with managing bodies as expected protagonists. “It is a day of great importance for inclusive dialogue,” Ambassador Paolo Crudel said at the opening. “It is an opportunity for all stakeholders to make their point and constructively discuss how to improve and refine what collective action is to protect and advance Australia’s national interest,” he added. (Dealing).

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