WestJet launches Winnipeg – Los Angeles – Italiavola & Travel service

    WestJet launches Winnipeg - Los Angeles - Italiavola & Travel service

    WestJet celebrated the highly anticipated first flight between Winnipeg and Los Angeles on October 31. The departure of flight WS1315 at 7:00 local time marked a milestone in Manitoba’s tourism, commerce and business sectors as Winnipeg gained a continuous four-hour connection with the world’s famous film and entertainment Mecca.

    Image credit: Winnipeg Airports Authority (CNW/WESTJET Group, partnership with Alberta)

    Departure of WS1315 marks the first of three weekly WestJet flights between Winnipeg and Los Angeles of the year.

    road starting date Repetition take off Arrival
    Winnipeg – Los Angeles October 31, 2022 3x per week (Mon,
    Friday Saturday)
    7:00 am 8:50 am
    Los Angeles – Winnipeg October 31, 2022 3x per week (Mon,
    Friday Saturday)
    9:35 am 3:07 pm

    This winter, WestJet will cement its position as the leading airline in Winnipeg by offering more non-stop routes than any other airline. In addition, the WestJet Group will increase capacity to and from Winnipeg by 80% over 2021, serving 22 non-stop non-stop routes and producing the largest annual growth of any major airport in the group’s network.

    Delta partnership with code

    Guests who fly outside of Los Angeles will have access to an extensive network and benefits thanks to WestJet’s strong relationship with Delta Air Lines. This includes codeshare flights to 20 major US cities, the ability to earn and redeem WestJet rewards on both airlines, first-class frequent flyer benefits throughout the entire flight, and access to the SkyClub LAX lounge. Delta for eligible guests.

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