Amantea – Once again this year, marine biologist, Luciano Bernardo, recounts his journey deep into Calabria. On this particular occasion he found himself in the waters of Corica. “Corica – he says – is a wonderful postcard that welcomes visitors on the Tyrrhenian side of Calabria. A delightful little cove full of rocks that is easily reached by swimming, except for those at ‘Ant’ 350 meters from the coast which can be visited safely on the Board a pedal boat or canoe (the sea floor does not exceed 6-8 meters and the transparent water is excellent).The rocks, especially in the shaded areas, are colored with green algae, sponges, neck worms and colorful slugs (snails without shells).You can meet groupers and feasts, watch the passing of young barracudas There is also a large and harmless blue jellyfish (“sea lung”) with a flock of minnows in the clouds, and it is a sight to watch them advance by holding their bell to a breath-like rhythm.Instead, the sands that surround the islands are the lands of the lizard fish, and crows, and turbots, and scallops.”
“I’m immersed in this scenario – complete his story – when I see her coming: Trane purple. I prepare to take some pictures before she disappears into the blue. Instead, unexpectedly, he catches up with me and starts swimming around me. It’s getting close to the point I can touch.” For prudence, I stay away, even in the case of a long poisonous sting on the tail, which is seldom used only for defense. If not molested it is a harmless, non-aggressive animal. We watch each other for several minutes, then return to shore with an idea. Was he looking About contact, foreplay? Of course, we tend to attribute human behaviors and feelings to animals, even wild ones, but we certainly have a lot to understand about these sea creatures.” “From the point of view of zoology – he explains – stingrays, or parsnips, are fish with a cartilaginous skeleton like sharks and rays. They are distinguished from the latter mainly by a long, thin tail. In addition, stingrays are viviparous in contrast to the whiting subspecies. They swim close to Bottom, except for the purple stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) which uses its pectoral fins as wings to “fly” in the water, even near the surface. On the back, there are eyes and two large openings for breathing. The mouth, nostrils and nostrils are positioned on the ventral side. Its length can reach more It is 1.5 meters long, and its tail is 2 or 3 times the length of its body, and it feeds mainly on fish that it wraps around with its fins and moves into its mouth. Sometimes it is caught as bycatch.”