The US (FCC) wants to quadruple the country’s broadband standard and believes gigabit speeds should be the long-term goal.
The FCC Chairman said that Jessica RosenorcelThe current standard of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speeds set in 2015 is no longer sufficient to support the applications Americans need for work, entertainment, and everyday life. As a result, the latter issued a “Notice of Investigation” to begin the FCC’s annual assessment of the state of broadband. The notice proposes raising the minimum standards to 100Mbps upload speed and 20Mbps download speedwith the intent to reach 1 Gbps and 500 Mbps in the future.
These are Rosenworcel’s words:
The needs of internet users have long outpaced the FCC’s 25/3 speed scale, especially during a global health pandemic that has moved internet life so much. The 25/3 scale is not only outdated, but harmful as it masks the extent to which low-income rural neighborhoods and communities are left behind and offline. That’s why we need to raise the bar for minimum broadband speeds now and at the same time aim higher for the future, why do we need to set big goals if we want everyone, everywhere, to have a fair chance of succeeding in the 21st century.
In the UK, every home and business has the legal right to require a “decent” connection with a download rate of at least 10Mbps and an upload speed of 1Mbps as part of the Universal Service Obligation (USO). Many people receive much faster speeds than that, while the government plans to revise the minimum standards over time. We will see if the United States will be able to ensure a higher level of communication for its citizens, and what will be the developments for our country as well.