If you have a bank account, even if it is a safe way to save and manage your assets, you should always pay attention to your savings. In fact, scams are increasingly frequent, which, by exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems and applications, smartphones and emails, leads to the emptying of your entire account, with the risk of finding your life savings to zero in a short time.
Frequently reporting the existence of new scams of this nature by institutional sites cannot leave you at peace. You need to know everything you should and should not do in case you receive any suspicious communication. In fact, scams are almost always based on the naivety of a fraudster who ends up agreeing to use personal data and gain access to or have direct contact with their account. Let’s find out in this article what you need to pay more attention to.
Bank account: beware of savings. Most Popular Tricks
The most common scams that empty your entire bank account are usually associated with the arrival of a strange or unusual connection from a number or email address that appears to be connected to your bank, but is not in reality. These communications generally request verification of their account access data, or they put the user on alert by announcing that there was no authorization of an operation from their account that was not actually performed.
If the scams arrive via email, text message, or even via the app, they most likely – but not always – are accompanied by a link. We do not always strongly recommend opening these links. Open alone can provide tracking data from your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) to malicious people. This link often then leads to online forms or forms in which users are asked to fill in fields that feature their personal data and those of their account. Never enter and never pass this data on to anyone, not even to people who may have called you on the phone.
Phone account wipe scams: How to identify them
Telephone scams (called “voice phishing”, by modifying the term “phishing” that defines remote messages) are also widespread. In this case, the criminal is able to extrapolate everything that is needed to access the funds in the checking account through a phone call and your words / data. The most common methods include begging through loan or investment offers with special benefits, financial problems with threats of penalties and fines, and solving problems with the current account.
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