Divana Women’s School Magazine – Women’s Country Online – Magazine

    Divana Women's School Magazine - Women's Country Online - Magazine

    She has visited the world’s major megalithic sites in search of maternal memories on the spot, founding or participating in various spiritual circles for women from around the world, and periodically comparing herself to shamans and women of knowledge from around the world.

    Divana, who has been no longer using her secular name for years and advocating others not to use it, but only adding her mother’s name to her name – Divana, daughter of Liliana – is also the creator and director of La Scuola delle Donne®, a youtube channel of nearly 4,500 recordings, surrounded by Telegram channel and a small class of 10 students listening to the lessons live, discussing their papers or discussing aspects of interest to them by circulating similar to the circles of the elderly in Neolithic matrifocal societies.

    “In 2018 – explains Devana, who is also a writer (working on her book 24/) – I felt the need to create a school where I had the opportunity to learn and study vision, literature, art, economics, science, and female spirituality completely absent and ignored by patriarchal school curricula. I chose to use the site YouTube as a medium for posting readings and videos. Because it’s free and there is no need for offices, permits or bureaucracy. On YouTube we upload daily audio readings of books and videos featuring women’s work. We do it for free and do not monetize from advertising. Our service is a gift. The mark has been registered Trade in the Chamber of Commerce to protect it from those who decide to use it in business.”


    A recent message from Divana in Telegram: “Listen to audiobooks is increasing. Some of the audiobook channels are really great: great voices and acting. But… let’s take a look at the contents. We reviewed the three main channels of audiobooks in Italian: Hundreds of suggested books , and always the same Pirandello, Conan Doyle, Russian classics… All male authors have tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. The percentage of authorship is small. Even newcomers and unpublished are signed males. Among the hundreds of suggested books, books written by women are 2/ 3 per channel and always ‘Reason and Feelings’ or ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen or ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ or ‘Journey to the Lighthouse’ by Virginia Woolf, ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley and a little something by Françoise Sagan, Agatha Christie and Katherine Mansfield. That’s all something … and where is all the massive world literary production of women?In our channel alone we have 120 authors, some of them have 3/8 books, not to mention the painters and in general the great women who made history and then were forgotten. There you are! That’s the reality, women don’t hear , even today The most important books in our opinion, including Cosima for the nobles Grazia Deledda, do not amount to 100 plays. But let’s take a look at the comments in the three main audio channels above and find that 75% of them were written by women. Yes sir, women prefer to listen to men’s literature. This is what the Spanish philosopher rightly called the female patriarchy. Women are the first to not appreciate the work of their sisters, do not support it, do not know it. As long as this state of affairs persists, this complete indifference of most women to the disappearance of the female, the world will remain in the starting blocks. without detracting from the merit and skill of the readers and the works they propose. We do not feel the competition, but unfortunately we record the desolate state of the social and cultural landscape of our motherland that still exists today. Fortunately we are not an audio book channel but a school. Thus we believe that those who listen to us, men and women, are not just looking for entertainment, but are trying to improve and deepen their culture.”

    Girls’ school latest production: Artemisia, Marie Guillemin, Elizabeth, Adelaide and Angelica Freedom Painters

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