Japan: The country of Shikansen entrusts the railways to the Italian Mermick – Ultima Ora

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    (ANSA) – TOKYO, May 28 – Japan, home of high-speed shikanen trains and one of the world’s most advanced and efficient rail networks, is pledging advanced safety and diagnostics services for railways and subways to MERMIK, an Italian specialist with contracts worth more than 20 million euros. .

    The agreement was signed today at the Italian Embassy in Tokyo in the presence of Ambassador Gianluigi Benedetti, along with some of the major players in the railway scene, such as Mitsubishi Electric, Sumitomo Corporation, Mitsui Nco, Hitachi Hitech, and the Japanese financial and industrial sector. . , including the Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) and the Asian Development Bank (Adb). “We started in 2015 in the Land of the Rising Sun, and today we sign four important contracts, in Japan and with Japanese partners outside Japan, that put Mermick at the center of technological innovation in railway safety,” he said. Ansa Mermic Vice President for International Affairs, Angelo Petrocello.

    Mermec realizes systems to measure infrastructure that serve both safety and improve maintenance, Petrosello continues: “Well, all this is required of us in Japan by major railways, 4 of 7 – and by the main metro, for example for Osaka, In addition to the main technology partners. A presence that has solidified over the years and has yielded the company from Monopoli, Puglia, part of the Angel Group, serving 10 of the most advanced high-speed rail transport services globally, excluding China only: “We have been literally tested by the customer The most demanding, JR-West of Japan, which operates the Shinkansen, the “Admiral” train of Japan Railways: We passed this test and today JR-West is our main sponsor as well as partner.”

    “We will continue to travel abroad with Japanese partners and Jaica and Adb funds, as we have already done in India, the Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan, through a series of scenarios that we are developing in these weeks,” Petrocello concluded. (handle).

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