Finally, “Apex Legends Mobile” has a release date in the US



    Apex Legends fans have been waiting for the title for a mobile game, and after much anticipation, it looks like the game is finally ready.

    Apex Legends Mobile finally has a US release date, bringing a mobile-optimized version of the popular title to more players than the title actually allows. Here’s everything you need to know about the game, including how it differs from the console versions.

    The article continues under the commercials Is there an overlap between the mobile and console versions of “Apex Legends”?

    Unfortunately, if you were hoping to use the Apex Legends mobile app as a way to advance your progress on the go, you will be disappointed. When the game was originally confirmed in April 2021, the developers said that while it would be a very similar game, Apex Legends Mobile was designed specifically for the smaller screen.

    While those who are familiar with the console version will be able to easily slip into the new game, there are enough differences to make them have different gaming experiences without interruption.

    Source: Respawn Entertainment

    “Legends of the Summit”

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    Due to the different game experiences, you will not be able to transfer your progress from one game to another, as they will have completely different seasons and special events.

    “This means we will have a different correction tempo, different themes and events, and changes to the leaderboard [play] And a host of new features,” Mike Huff, Senior Product Manager, said recently in a preview of Polygon.

    This also means that there is a completely original character that is exclusive to Apex Legends Mobile.

    “We’ve learned lessons from bringing PC Legends to mobile devices and have used them to create a legend that builds on what we consider the best parts of mobile gameplay,” said Design Director Jordan Patz of Fade’s introduction. sale. “He’s a very aggressive kinetic fighter in a suit based on the same technology as Wraith.”

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    Ability to Fade in Apex Legends Mobile: Ineffective: Slip Stream🔴 Tactics: Flashback🔴 Ult: Phase Chamber

    – Apex Legends News (@alphaINTEL) May 16, 2022

    Some of Fade’s features are also intended to make the game beginner-friendly for those who haven’t played it before. The tactical flashback skill allows the player to take a few steps back in their current interaction, which they can easily use if they find themselves in an overwhelming situation.

    For now, Fade is an exclusive mobile app launcher, though it may make its way to consoles and PC versions at a later date.

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    In addition to Fade, players will also be able to play as Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Mirage, Octane, Pathfinder or Wraith in Apex Legends Mobile, although other characters currently on the list will not be on the mobile game device. .

    What is the release date of “Apex Legends Mobile”? Also: how to download it.

    Apex Legends Mobile will be released for iOS and Android devices on May 17, 2022. Once it’s available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, all you have to do is search for it in the App Store and download it to your device of choice.

    As long as you wait until May 17 for the game’s release, you won’t have any problems accessing it in the US


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