Volkswagen renews the Amarok pickup for 2023, which is becoming more and more “American”

    Volkswagen renews the Amarok pickup for 2023, which is becoming more and more “American”

    Volkswagen ready for 2023 for its second generation Amork Pick-Up, latest rumor sees it as being too “American”.

    Volkswagen Pickup Amarok
    Volkswagen Amarok Pickup – Engines

    The German house is ready to show the world its second truck AmarokThe fruit of a collaboration with one of the manufacturers of Stars and Stripes cars. The new method Volkswagen Will try to be more comfortable For passengers and has endurance Larger to it now. However, the brand has already determined that the car can become Electrician In the future, we’ll also find out why.

    Which house are we talking about? We also see the characteristics of the pick-up

    there Volkswagen Open cooperation with the American company, stronghold. The two brands will pass on some elements to realize their cars, on the other hand exactlyAmarokon the other side Ford Ranger. The means will enter common Some parts, such as: chassis, suspension, transmissions, body parts and interiors. The most important collaboration relates to the platform he will use, which will be T6 subordinate Watchman. The two car companies are sure cooperationwhere you will join strength point Of the two means, as well as Al earn commercial.

    The Picks German will have two Offer types, can be sold with single cabins and double cabins. There will be then five Types of fixtures, with the most armed which is going to be pan america And Aventura. with the second generation useful download Move to 1200 kgInstead of that tow car will come to 3500 kg.

    Amarok in operation
    Amarok Tests Off-Road Vehicle –

    will be the length 5.3 meters It will have a height up 1.80 mAs for the show we’ll be on 1.90 meters. Instead, the circuits are different based on the model you chose, and will be or from 17 or who 21 inches. Versions will contain various driving aids, which will amount to a number of 30for the most expensive, which will also support the headlights matrix Drove. The car will have all versions, the infotainment system from Ford, and that is Sync 4.

    Amarok Test
    Amarok Test –

    Will there also be an electric version now or in the future?

    The electric version ofAmarok At the moment, a date has not yet been set. there Volkswagen So far not ready to give enough electrical autonomy For this type of vehicle, not even in version delivery in. However, the company knows that it wants to convert the car to Electricianand we will try to create a platform capable of hosting Batteries tray and the power generation. Searching will take time but knowing when to stop home electric mobility Nothing is taken for granted.

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