The total eclipse of the moon of Venus is approaching, it will turn red, we tell you the exact date “


    The total eclipse of the moon of Venus is approaching, it will turn red, and we will tell you the exact date

    May 16: total lunar eclipseMay 16: total lunar eclipseMonday May 16: On the occasion of this date because There will be an amazing total lunar eclipse.

    let’s like it In Italy, however, we will have to wait deep night Where our satellite will start grievance at 4.27 Then to get to summit at 6.11.
    In the total phase of the eclipse, the moon has already left and the The sun has already risen So seeing this particular astronomical event will not be very easy.
    Attention to other details. We probably won’t be able to see the typical reddish color that the moon takes in the phase of a maximum eclipse, but we will therefore have to content ourselves with noticing the first step of the dimming, which would also be very nice.

    If we fail to see the eclipse, we can make up for it with Vision Of the most Important planets: Indeed, a little before sunrise, it will be visible towards the east, Saturn and to follow up MarsSo Jupiter Finally Venus.

    But why is the full moon in May called “flowers”?
    The suggestive name is attributed to her before American Indians and in particular from the Algonquian tribe who inhabited the present-day northeastern United States, and who had already noticed in distant times how the flowering anemoneAnd bluebellsAnd Violet And other types of flowers precisely coincided with May full moon.

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