The date of the new “Cultural Friday” at Casa delle Aie in Cervia dedicated to Silvano Collina

    Casa delle Aie

    Following the success of the previous evenings, a new date for the Cultural Gathering has been rescheduled for 15 April 2022, at 9 PM, at the AIE Theatre. Promoted by the cultural association Casa delle AIE Cervia which concludes the calendar of initiatives for the first part of the year.

    The cultural and musical evening is dedicated to the great protagonist of the development of tourism in Cervia and Milan Marittima: Silvano Colina (November 8, 1921 – April 17, 1974) The evening programme, promoted in cooperation with the ASCOM of Cervia, includes a historical presentation by Renato Lombardi, Dropping evocative vintage photographs from Ibn Silvano’s archive, Cesar Colina Who will interfere in bringing his memories of his father. will also intervene Prussian CaesarFormer Director of Ascom of Cervia and Greetings from Cesar ZavataCultural Counselor in the Municipality of Cervia.

    The evening will be enlivened by musical entertainment Eugenio Fantini And by Gaston Guerini, With a music program from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s dedicated to sea and holiday themes. The same Gaston Guerini He will remember the life of a great character with anecdotes and small stories.

    Basim Silvano Colina Connected are the extraordinary events that marked an era such as the Pola-Cervia, the Friendship Train, the Friendship Journey, and the Spring Marinade. Silvano Collina was an extraordinary character, creative with a great imagination. This creativity, he said, came from being “an artist and illustrator all year and a motel in the summer.” Apply creativity to work with extraordinary results. He used to say ‘If we are hoteliers, let’s have fun doing it and let our guests have fun’. “Friday Cocktail in the Water,” the initiatives in the “hotel bar,” are some of the powerful animated moments to engage tourists by connecting them more to the holiday location.

    He was also instrumental in public relations with exhibitions of his paintings in the United States and Europe, with Pola Cervia and with Spring Marinade. That is why so many journalists from all over Europe came to participate.”. To confirm his relationship with Santi Cribaldi, the photographer witness and hero of the years of the “Great Transformation” of Cervia from the point of view of tourists and who portrayed Silvano Collina in his activities and major events. His relationship with important figures from the world of culture, sports and music such as Giovannino, Guarsky, Nino Benvenotti and Lucio Battisti is of great importance.

    rediscover Silvano Colina In recent years, I began to place a plaque dedicated to him on March 16, 2019 in the new Lungomare di Milano Marittima, entitled “Pioneers of Tourism”. The great event was the celebration of the centenary of Silvano Collina’s birth, on November 8, 2021, at ASCOM headquarters in Cervia.

    New initiatives have already been announced, such as the presentation of Massimo Priviato’s beautiful book “Silvano Collina the Visionary” (Ed. Albatros), which is already in bookstores, but will be officially presented on the evening of May 27. This will be followed, from July 2 to 11, by an exhibition of paintings and artworks Silvano Collina, In the Rubicone room in Servia, sponsored by his son Cesar.

    The initiative planned at the Teatrino della Casa delle AIE is part of the program of events dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Milano Marittima (August 14, 1912 – August 14, 2022).

    The management of the Casa delle Aie restaurant, which he heads, actively cooperates in the realization of cultural Fridays For the Batistini family. Every Friday there are special tastings related to traditional Romanian dishes. For entry, to both the restaurant and the AIE theater, it is necessary to observe AntiCovid 19 regulations and variants, while adhering to the enhanced Green Pass and Ffp2 mask.

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