Avalanche and Portkey Games have published the official FAQ for Hogwarts Legacy, with some interesting details about the new game that takes place in the world of Harry Potter. Among them is the fact that the player can Choose freely Whether to get into Grinfondoro, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, that’s it the four houses From Hogwarts Academy. In short, the Sorting Hat test will be just a simple formality.
Anyone who has read/watched Harry Potter books/movies will surely know that Hogwarts students are divided into one of four historic houses based on a test hat rating. This magical being basically reads people’s thoughts and based on these things decides which house is the most suitable.
We saw a Sorting Hat in action in the extended Hogwarts Legacy game show last week, which suggests that the player will indeed have to take the iconic screening test. However, as we learned from the official FAQ, it’s about Simple formalitythe sorting hat will in fact be limited to indulging the player’s will.
The official website reads, “Players can choose the Hogwarts House at the start of the Hogwarts Legacy.” Which means we’ll be able to determine these details while creating our character or directly during the screening test itself, with Sorting Hat essentially having no say in the decision. All in all, a reasonable choice.
Also, if you want to be picky, this isn’t an extension in JK Rowling’s world lore. As Dumbledore explained, the magic hat could satisfy students’ requests regarding which house they belong to. For example, in the case of Harry Potter, the magical tool corresponds to a potential wizard’s request that the Slytherins not enter and assign him to Gryffindor.
We remind you that Hogwarts Legacy will be available for PS5, PS4 and Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC in the last quarter of 2022. Did you know that Harry Potter fans may have already revealed who will be the villain of the game?