The Washington Post rushes to vaccinations: “Natural immunity is stronger. Politicians seem afraid to say so.”

    The Washington Post rushes to vaccinations:

    “The false assumption that natural immunity is ineffective has led to the loss of thousands of American lives, avoidable complications to the vaccine, and damage to the credibility of public health officials.” This is just one of the very dangerous sentences mentioned by an article in Washington Post Titled: “Natural immunity to Covid is stronger. Politicians seem afraid to say so.”

    An article listing scientific data that shows that natural immunity is stronger than immunity acquired by vaccination serious discussion About the potential and futile risks to those recovering from Covid who have been forced to resort to vaccination. The article states: “More than 15 studies have demonstrated the strength of previously acquired immunity with the virus. A study of 700,000 people from Israel It found that those who had a previous infection were 27 times less likely to have a second symptomatic Covid infection than those who had been vaccinated.”

    study Cleveland Clinic In June 2021 for healthcare workers, who are often exposed to the virus, as none of those who previously tested positive for coronavirus were re-infected or in any case never seriously infected. The study authors concluded that infected individuals are unlikely SARS-CoV-2 Benefit from the vaccination against COVID-19.

    We also read: “Emerging science indicates thatnatural immunity It’s better than the immunity a vaccine produces.” Think about how unscientific the rule that attributes the super green lane taking longer to vaccination than to those who have recovered from the virus. Then comes the new rush of Washington Post: “Underlining the power of natural immunity had deadly consequences. In January, February and March, we wasted low doses of the vaccine on millions of people with Covid. If we asked Americans who are already protected by natural immunity to pie in vaccines, thousands of lives could have been saved.” “.

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