Historic breakthrough in the United Kingdom! Octopuses, lobsters and crabs have been recognized as sentient beings

    polpo cucinato

    Octopus, crabs and lobsters suffer. It was finally recognized by the UK government, which announced that it would include these marine creatures on the list of organisms to be protected in Animal welfare bill.

    In the country, the debate about protecting crustaceans and mollusks has been going on for some time now, but the turning point came thanks to a report published by a team of experts from the London School of Economics, which examined 300 scientific studies evaluating the evidence of allergy. The paper used eight criteria to measure the degree of “sensitivity” of these marine creatures, including the ability to learn, the possession of pain receptors, the connections between pain receptors and specific areas of the brain, and response to anesthesia, or analgesics.

    The report shows that i cephalopods (such as octopus, squid, squid) and decapod (including crabs, lobsters, and shrimp) are capable of feeling pain, and therefore must be treated as sentient beings like vertebrates (already protected inAnimal Awareness Bill).

    Britain’s Minister for Animal Welfare Lord Zach Goldsmith said: “Science has shown that decoys and cephalopods can feel pain and it is therefore only right that they be covered by this basic legislation.”

    However, for now, this law is still a bill, so there will be no immediate consequences for restaurants (where octopus and lobsters are often boiled alive) and fishermen. But once the law is approved, the Animal Awareness Commission will be set up, which will monitor the British government’s work on animal welfare.

    When is there a bill of this kind also in Italy (where octopuses and lobsters are tortured daily)?

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    Source: UK government

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