More bad news – After the Fedex-TNT case – Logistics of Piacenza. IKEA plans to release 120 workers from its historic warehouse in Piacenza. A cold shower for the trade unions who have learned of the intentions of the Swedish giant from the San Martino Cooperative.
More than a thousand people work at Ikea Piacenza: 276 on an unspecified basis are hired directly by the company, and about 900 on behalf of the San Martino cooperative. Among them are 120 temporary or temporary workers, who now risk not seeing their contracts confirmed at the end of the year. Another 80 will be transferred to other warehouses.
«In September – Tell us Massimo Tarinci from Felt Sigil – The barn that runs the IKEA warehouse in Piacenza told us Ikea’s desire to cut the workforce in warehouse C1 in half, The historical, twenty-year-old, city of our city. We’re concerned, IKEA didn’t want to talk to us. We want to understand the industrial plan and the impact of these choices on workers.”
When can this cut happen? “A sharp drop in volume of 40% to 60% is expected in this warehouse from January to February, because of a Business change. Co-operative must be reorganized, fewer employees are needed. And to keep the permanent contracts, he has to forgo fixed-term contracts, which are 120. They are not people who were there at the height of work. They’ve been employed for a year or two, and they’ve boosted the potential for stability over time.”
In short, you will lose another 120 jobs. “IKEA our trade unions – adds Tarinci – have not moved anything. Now he admits this change at work, but he always postpones the date for comparison. Then, when he heard that we had met the Governor Daniela Lobo over the past few days, he set us an appointment for Monday, November 15 ».
and now, what are you doing? “We want a tripartite table between unions, IKEA and the ‘San Martino’ party and some guarantee: let’s know the industrial plan. You can’t leave 120 people at home like this. We had good relations with the company, we signed a purchase agreement, and they also boast a code of ethics. In our opinion, they do not respect this code.”
Tarinci has a few hints: “It makes us think a lot about the fact that IKEA just opened a warehouse in Vercelli…More and more goods are being transferred to Lombardy and Novara.”
He adds: “We struggle to compare ourselves to IKEA Salvatore Bono of Cecil They run away, they don’t answer. We hope to continue working in Piacenza and This is not the beginning of the transition process. The company is doing well, it has no unstable accounts. IKEA is a profitable, healthy and stable company. If you want to restructure, talk to the unions. Why select their immediate employees? Why do we abandon those who cooperate for some time? ».
Bono gives an example. “For example, we learned that the office “service center” It can go from 10 people to 7. It can happen, but we don’t like it among the seven that will stay open To be able to take them from abroad, as they intend to do by promoting a tender. And how Ikea is going ahead with creating a half-empty warehouse: We know that for every company with empty space there is a high, meaningless cost.”
« Logistics – is to consider Maria Stella Fanacci (Oil Trasporte) – It is a strategic sector of Piacenza and at IKEA, what has been accomplished so far is called into question. The county and co-op are collaborating with us on this path, but no answers have been received from Ikea. We don’t want to be spectators: if there are any problems they put them on the table as we face them. There is a social responsibility on their part as well.”
And in all this, permanent workers? “There is resentment among them as well, Fanacci identifies, among those who worked there for ten years. They recently gave up on renewing the company’s collective agreement, because they want to review the agreements with the company. A strong signal, a sign of annoyance ». They rejected the proposal through a referendum that provided a quorum. This means that they themselves are wary of their company, “ Bono concludes bitterly.
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