7 Tasmanian Devil Dogs were born in Australia. That didn’t happen in more than 3,000 years

      7 Tasmanian Devil Dogs were born in Australia.  That didn't happen in more than 3,000 years

    Great news comes from Australia: seven samples of Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), The world’s largest marsupial carnivore. It hasn’t happened in over 3,000 years, since this species vanished from the Australian mainland. The only specimens continued to live and breed on the largest island of Australia, from which the species takes its name.

    The exciting birth of the little ones, which bodes well for conservation biologists for the future of these famous animals, took place at Barrington Wildlife Refuge, on an area of ​​400 hectares, to which 26 samples were transferred in 2020.

    We have worked tirelessly over the past decade to bring Tasmanian devils back to mainland Australia, hoping that a permanent population will be created. – Comments by Tim Faulkner, President of Aussie Ark Conservation Group. We watched them from afar until it was time to intervene and confirm the birth of the babies. It was a really beautiful moment!

    According to experts, newborns are healthy, but in the coming weeks, guards will constantly monitor their growth. In total, there will be around 25,000 specimens of the Tasmanian devil living on the main island of Australia, and in 2008 the species was listed by the IUCN in the Red List among the endangered species. In fact, on the island of Tasmania since the 1990s the population has decreased dramatically, mainly due to a tumor of the face that only affects this species.

    Source: Australian Alc/ Instagram

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