Weather report in Australia. Tropical Hurricane Niran, after Queensland, it is New Caledonia that fears the «3B Meteo»

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    Bad weather Australia (archive photo)
    Bad weather Australia (archive photo)

    It is moving off the coast of Queensland Tropical cyclone flamesAnd the After it caused floods and massive damage, Especially for domestic cultivation. The rain subsided and the winds were still strong at times, however The center of the hurricane is diverging from the Coral Sea It is moving east to southeast at 15 km / h, with winds reaching 160 km / h and beyond. Niran is actually a Category 2 tropical cyclone and is expected to increase in intensity in the next few hours. Equivalent to Class 4 wind gusts of approx 240 km / h.

    Satellite image Thursday, Australia
    Satellite image Thursday, Australia

    Saturday is expected to approach dangerously close to New Caledonia’s southern shores, Which will be just over 150 kilometers away. It is not enough for residents not to be alarmed by the high winds that will still be able to evolve, although a partial attenuation of their strength was expected that day. In fact, it will be reduced to a Class 2 equivalent with Winds of up to 170 km / h, present a great danger to the storms they can cause.

    The projected path of Hurricane Niran
    The projected path of Hurricane Niran

    In addition to gale winds they will also fall Heavy rain between Friday and Saturday With heavy rain accumulations it can cause widespread flooding, floods and landslides in mountainous areas, with the possibility of power outages. And between Sunday and Monday, he will have left New Caledonia And you’ll find herself transiting away from the North Island of New Zealand.

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