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“Yes to the green card for those who work, but agreements with employees are needed” – Corriere.it

From Margherita de Pac

“You cannot demand that children be vaccinated if the school staff does not accept it. Unfilled courts will raise the infection curve”

Compulsory vaccination at school Has it become a necessary choice?

The decision on the necessity of vaccination It’s a political question, not a technical question”, characterizes the roles Fabio Siciliano, member of the CTS commission, emergency surgeon.

One cannot disagree with those who push for the entire school body to be fortified on reopening day.

From an epidemiological point of view, The higher the number of vaccinations, the greater the safety of the community. The school community, from kindergarten to middle school, can only benefit from the protection of teachers and all employees. In fact, at the moment, People from the age of 12 can be vaccinated. So the protection of the school system depends on the adults.”

But in the second and third grades, the pupils are more than 12 years old. Is it true that the responsibility for vaccination lies with the professors only?

“Teachers usually attend several classes, even the smallest ones. The same is true for all other operators”

What are the precedents in Europe?

“France opened the vaccination phase for children aged 12-17 in mid-June. The French Ministry of Education prefers to vaccinate adolescents in order to return to the normal work of schools, prevent school dropouts and protect vulnerable students who cannot be vaccinated due to diseases that are contraindications in these rare cases. In Great Britain, the English Statistics Institute released the result of a study in which nearly 90% of parents with children in school under the age of 16 were in favor of giving the Covid-19 vaccine.»

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Do you support commitment in the workplace?

«Extending the green certificate to workers is highly desirable Even if the modalities found extensive consultation between the company and the employees. From an artistic point of view, the patron of the restaurant imagines who has to offergreen lane While the waiter or expert may not be protected? ”

“This is also a topic where the right to free movement of people must be combined with the protection of society from infection and potential risks. An increase in the number of cases».

“From an ethical point of view, I find intermittent demand to vaccinate children not very appropriate, while 200,000 workers in the school decided to skip it. Professors must be role models, given that parents and their children depend on them to form students and mature as adults of tomorrow.”

“School staff who are not vaccinated can be marginalized as happened to healthcare staff who decided not to receive the vaccination.”

Injuries are increasing but thousands have taken to the streets. Will there be another increase?

«I don’t understand pools no vax or boh vax, as specified by Corriere della Sera, or anyone who refutes the objectivity of the results of the epidemic vaccine control. And among them, they gather even without masks, We will count the largest number of the following injuries. Does it suit him? I do not think so. But he must explain it. Above all, politics should not superimpose their positions. Not everything can be shared and justified (Who is the Read other positions).

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Jul 27, 2021 (change on Jul 27, 2021 | 00:40)

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