Home Tech Xbox Series X now improves Xbox Cloud gaming, even on PC and...

Xbox Series X now improves Xbox Cloud gaming, even on PC and Apple devices – Nerd4.life

Xbox Series X now improves Xbox Cloud gaming, even on PC and Apple devices - Nerd4.life

Microsoft just announced a highly anticipated move: from now Xbox Xbox X power up Services Xbox Cloud gamesThat is, the games run on the latest generation console from Microsoft at the highest possible quality.

We’ve upgraded Microsoft data centers around the world with the fastest and most powerful Xbox hardware, to give you faster load times, improved frame rates, and a next-generation gaming experience. To ensure lower latency and a higher quality experience on all devices, streaming will be in 1080p quality up to 60fps.

Of course, Microsoft doesn’t want to stop there and has already promised that it will continue to innovate its infrastructure over the next few years.

Meanwhile, Xbox Cloud Gaming has been made available to all subscribers Xbox Game Pass Ultimate On Windows 10 PCs, on Apple phones, tablets, and browsers. Subscriptions are available in twenty-two countries, with more arriving in the coming months/years. Supported browsers are Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Safari. If you are interested, you can start from Xbox Cloud Gaming Official Site.

We must remember that I Progress They will be associated with the profile and not with the peripherals used, for example, you can play Outriders on the iPad, then play it on the Xbox Series X and find yourself at the same point in the game where you left off.

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