Home sport Wrestlove fought love running

Wrestlove fought love running

Wrestlove fought love running

The wrestlerlove killer From Christian de Felice It will be distributed on the platform Chili pepper From the 9th of March.

Watch the trailer:

The wrestlerthe love fight It tells the story of Monica and Karim, the first Italian wrestling couple in the United States. They left Italy and attended the most important wrestling academy in Troy, Missouri – The Harley Race Wrestling Academy This allowed them to build an international career. In life and in the ring, the couple travel alone to defend their titles in American independent circles, but when they manage to overcome nostalgia, they return to their home countries where they find their loved ones and their customs.

“In this documentary, I wanted to tell the normal lives of two fighters, between Italy and America, who live their lives with the same calm as someone with a government job.” Christian de Felice.


Miss Monica and Karim Brigant are professional wrestlers born in Pescara on September 14, 1992 and in Rome on August 26, 1991 respectively.
They are two of the most important Italian wrestlers abroad, also known as the “Roman Family”. They have performed in the USA for most of their careers, in the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Malta and Italy where they have also participated in various films such as stunts, actors, advertisements, music videos and European Pro Wrestling TV series “EPW Overload”, which was broadcast on Channel Sky TV.

Festivals Selected / Winned Wrestlove – Love Killer:

The 47th Flyano Film Festival – The Official Selection “Contemporary Panorama”
Palermo 40th Sports Film Festival – Special Mention
26th Libero Bizzarri Award – Documentary Exhibition – Official Selection
18 MoliseCinema – Official Selection – “Borders” section
The 37th Solmona International Film Festival – Official Choice
Fourteenth Film Festival – Official Choice
9th Catania Film Fest Gold Elephant World Award – Official Selection – Audience Award 10th Matera Sports Festival – Official Choice

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Italian Film Days – Best Documentary Film
Webbuga Festival – Best Documentary Film
Oniros Film Awards – Best Sports Film
Reel Film Festival – Special Mention
San Benedetto Film Festival – “True Story” award – Innuendo Film Festival – official selection
BCT Benevento Cinema and Television – Official Docud Pick – Abruzzo Documentary Festival – Official Selection.

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