World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated on April 23rd. There are many initiatives spread all over the world

    World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated on April 23rd.  There are many initiatives spread all over the world

    Promote culture and learning through reading, an inexhaustible source of knowledge at all levels. With this goal in mind, UNESCO decided in 1996 to proclaim the “World Book and Copyright Day” which is celebrated on April 23 every year, with many initiatives all over the world. Let’s get to know some of them.

    World Book Day
    (Pixabay credit ph)

    World Book and Copyright Day: What to do

    Lovers of reading and beyond, on April 23rd celebrate b World Book and Copyright Day. On this occasion, many cities around the world have organized themselves to accommodate visitors who will go in search of unpublished texts and volumes with their “hungry” desire to devour as many books as possible and increasingly increase their knowledge. There is also the so-calledBook CitiesCities of Books, which are a real tourist attraction by providing open-air libraries for visitors and readers, cultural spaces where they can refer to ancient, modern or contemporary texts and much more.

    How then, on this day dedicated to culture and reading, not to remember “Le Village de LivreIn France, where A Sablons, a small municipality whose population does not even reach 2,000, and books are kept in flour silos. An emblematic place for selling used books in the country beyond the Alps, which extends over an area of ​​20,000 square meters thanks to an idea Didier Rodriguez which he invented was inspired by a scene Loubardemont Milllocated in this small area.

    The old mill and the space around it have been transformed into places for conversation, debate and debate between people from all over France and the world. Inside there are used and new books: visitors can consult those that are on display, but also those that are stored in special shelves divided by topic of interest. Here, enthusiasts and collectors can find or purchase rare books online. Many sales take place mainly in JapanAnd United State And Canada, but generally a little bit all over Europe. You can choose from around 2 million books available from the online catalog, with the full collection exceeding 7 million books.

    April 23 World Book Day
    (Pixabay credit ph)

    Other initiatives and “book cities”

    There are many initiatives spread all over the world, especially in those cities that are known as “Book Citieswho are members ofBook Cities International Organization. These include Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian and many European cities such as Rideau (Belgium), becryl (France), Bridefor (dutch), Site Pierre de Clages (Swiss) Wigtown (Scotland) and more.

    Real events are organized here Literary festivals With the opening of specialized libraries in every sector. An example is given before Hay-on-Wye in Wales which was one of the first to open a specialist bookstore in 1961. World Book and Copyright Day can also be an important opportunity to visit places hosting events. For example in Norway a Fairlandwhich has become a real tourist attraction as visitors can also take a trip to the beautiful Norwegian fjords.

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