Home science With these simple habits we fight pollen allergies even at home

With these simple habits we fight pollen allergies even at home

With these simple habits we fight pollen allergies even at home

The arrival of spring is for many positive things. Beautiful, warm days provide a quieter period. But for some, it’s really a frustrating moment. Indeed, with the onset of spring, the period of pollen infestation begins in the air. This causes allergies that are really bothersome. Burning tearing eyesItching and sneezing without braking are the main symptoms that accompany the days of people allergic to pollen. It’s a very stressful time for allergy sufferers. However, it is hoped that you will at least feel safe and secure inside your home. However, if you do not shut yourself off by blocking doors and windows, this is not the case. Fortunately, we discovered that with these simple habits we can combat pollen allergies even at home.

Personal care

The first cars Allergens We ourselves when we go out and then go home. Usually we carry the pollen that we have inevitably encountered outside. So let’s follow these directions to solve this problem. If you don’t want to shower every time you get home, here’s what to do. Let’s wash our face well, focusing on the eyebrows and the beard. We also scan body parts that were exposed when we were outside. This step should also be repeated on the hair at least to eliminate the bulk of the pollen. Before that, let’s think about the clothes we used. Either they start washing right away or they can be thrown out the window or onto the balcony.

frying pan

For home

We still sell as with these simple habits, we fight pollen allergies even at home.

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It’s always a good idea to ventilate the house but for those with allergies this can be an issue as it will let the pollen in. The next best advice is to air indoors twice a day.

In the early morning, it is better if it is still dark or the sun is just rising. Or in the evening after sunset. This is because plants usually produce and release more pollen in sunlight that favor their chemical processes. So at these two moments there are fewer allergens in the air. We must then take care of cleaning the sofas, curtains and carpets. These actually capture and trap pollen easily. It is recommended that you use a vacuum cleaner to remove allergens from these furnishings.

Moreover, cleaning exterior windows, French windows, and balconies is a must. The more we handle it, the fewer pollen grains will settle there, so less will get into the house when we ventilate. With these simple habits we fight pollen allergies even at home, and we finally forget about this problem.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings for this article, which they can refer Who is the”)

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