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Winter 2021/2022, with the possibility of Nina snow even on the plains? Let’s explain »ILMETEO.it


Weather: Winter 2021/2022, with NINA snow likely even on the plains? let’s explain

Winter 2021/2022: Nina could affect the cold season, but there are doubtsWinter 2021/2022: Nina could affect the cold season, but there are doubtsThere is still almost a month and a half beforewinterHowever, thanks seasonal forecast and some Atmospheric indicatorsWe can already get a general idea of ​​what awaits us next season.

This will be the time to see Snow up on the plains? maybe yes. But a lot will depend on the phenomenon girl. Let’s understand to understand What is it about to explain? and suppose one The general trend of Italy.

To be able to plot a long-term trend on temperature NS Rainfall We must rely on the so-called seasonal forecast. Well, according to the latest update of the reference European Center (ECMWF), calorific values ​​must be maintained Higher than the average of about 1°C in Northern Europe, and more on average in the Mediterranean Basin.

But who is responsible for these thermal deviations?

LA NINA AND CONSEQUENCES – In recent months there has been a certain phenomenon called “No” girlThis term refers to a Cooling temperature The surface waters of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean Often affect the climate From our planet, with different reflections also in Europe and in Italy Despite the fact that we are talking about an event that takes place on the other side of the world.
This is exactly what happens Value about 1°C below the reference climate. This anomaly, which may seem insignificant, instead involves a significant change in the level of rotation of the planets’ atmospheres.
Just to give some examples:
– Some areas like Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines they see Precipitation increase, as well as the southernmost regions of Africa or the northern regions of the Brazil.
– Monsoon strengthens in Southeast Asia and onIndia
– On the contrary, the areas between Brazil southern h Argentina and part of United States of America (Drought and fires in California) Overlooking The Gulf Of Mexico.

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Monuments in Italy The consequences of this climate change occurring in the Pacific region of our continent are not yet clear and there are still many uncertainties. This is likely to be expected Increased turbulence descending from the North Atlantic With Hence, the increase in precipitationEspecially in the first part of the season. On our mountains, therefore, Noun It should not be missing, to the delight of fans of winter sports.
We will see if these hypotheses will be confirmed in the next updates and, above all, if the snow phenomenon will be able to reach the flat areas more easily than it did in the past winter seasons.

Early winter: above average temperatures in northern Europe, on average in the MediterraneanEarly winter: above average temperatures in northern Europe, on average in the Mediterranean

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