Home Economy Wild Telemarketing, 4.5 million fine for Fastweb. Privacy Guarantor: “Important and...

Wild Telemarketing, 4.5 million fine for Fastweb. Privacy Guarantor: “Important and Important Issues”

  Wild Telemarketing, 4.5 million fine for Fastweb.  Privacy Guarantor:

The Privacy Authority has ordered an extension Fastweb Pay a fine in excess of 4 million and 500 thousand euros for processing the personal data of millions of users illegally for a purpose Telemarketing The phenomenon of unwanted promotional calls. The preliminary investigation, now completed, began at a later time Hundreds of reports and complaints from users Who have complained about constant promotional calls for Fastweb phone and internet services without their consent.

The investigations conducted by the authority have highlighted The importance of the “system” forestry, Which is attributed to the range of remedies Fastweb implements towards the entire company’s customer base and a wider range of potential users in the electronic communications sector. During the investigation – reading a note from the guarantor – appeared An alarming haven for using dummy numbers Or not registered with the telecom operator (Roc). It appears that this phenomenon, as already highlighted by the authority, can be attributed to Nomu is an abusive call center Those who carry out telemarketing activities in complete disregard for personal data protection provisions.

More features of the violation involved Correct management of contact lists, Provided to Fastweb by external partners, without the latter obtaining free, specific and informed consent from users to communicate their data. The security measures for the customer management systems were also inadequate. In fact, the authority received numerous reports of unnecessary connections by self-styled Fastweb operators who were trying to get, Via Whatsapp, The identity documents of the contracting parties, possibly for a purpose Spam, phishing, and other fraudulent activities.

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The guarantor has discovered other critical issues with the promotional activity that Fastweb is undertaking in partnership with another subject for using the customer lists provided by the latter without consenting to the marketing activity. Other violations related to the procedures adopted for the “Contact Me” service, which prevented users from giving free, specific and informed consent and automatically deactivating the service. Taking into account the crimes found, the guarantor imposed a fine of 4,501,868.00 euros. Therefore, the authority has ordered Fastweb to adapt its telemarketing treatments in order to provide and demonstrate that the activation of offers and services and registration of contracts takes place only after calls made by the sales network through phone numbers registered and registered with Roc. Moreover, the company will have to strengthen security measures to prevent unauthorized access to its databases.

Finally, Fastweb will not be able to use the data contained in the personal data lists provided by the third-party partners, without the latter having obtained Specific, free and informed consent from interested parties to communicate their data to third parties. The ruling for Fastweb follows those already adopted against Eni Gas e Luce, Tim, Wind Tre, Iliad Italia and VodafoneAs a result, penalties were applied in a total amount of approximately € 70 million.

“Fastweb considers protecting data and protecting the privacy of its customers a priority – and it reads a note from the company – to this end She cooperated with the guarantor during the investigation To determine the most appropriate tools to ensure that the phenomena described relating to the period from December 2018 to February 2020 are not possible. As the guarantor acknowledged, the company immediately launched from February 2020, Action program aims at this, By phasing out Telemarketing activities that have no reliability requirementsEnhancing security measures to access company databases and adopting stricter control measures over the sales network.

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