Why won’t Stefano Di Martino broadcast with Sing Sing Sing Sing

    Why won't Stefano Di Martino broadcast with Sing Sing Sing Sing

    The new Rai 2, scheduled for September, has been temporarily removed from the schedule. In its place, back tonight, anything is possible

    Stefano Di Martino

    Source: Rai Press Office

    Stefano Coletta, director of RAI’s prime-time entertainment division, announced this Stefano Di Martino He will become one of the main new faces of Rai 2Promising that the former dancer friends Several new projects will be commissioned. Among these also sing sing singadapting the American shape This is my jam It was initially scheduled to air on September 26. Yes, because one month after the debut, the leaders of RAI decided that Removal The new program of tables.

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    sing sing sing replace it Anything is possible tonight

    News published by the blog David MaggioAccordingly, the wait for the new broadcast of Stefano Di Martino is expected to increase. sing sing singIn fact, it wasn’t going to be permanently abolished, but only Delayed At a date to be determined. However, the real reasons that prompted the network to temporarily abandon a project that seemed promising to many were not clarified, and a new date for the start of the program was not announced. What is certain, however, is that the transmission will be replacing From the new version of Anything is possible tonight, conducted for the fourth year in a row by Di Martino himself. An early start in this case, given that the show’s first episodes were slated for Spring 2023: Anything is possible tonight So it will be two copies In the same television season, confirming the great success of the program in the past years.

    the new look

    Therefore, the expectation for sing sing singa music program that was hit in the United States by one Jimmy FallonOne of the most famous and popular faces on American television. The look is simple: two teams of celebrities compete against each other Toys Musical theme. A show, under the NBC brand, which was so successful abroad that Rai decided to entrust it, in its new Italian version, to Stefano De Martino, considered one of the most talented young hosts in Italian television.

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