Starts fromAustralia suggestion Bill against trolls. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has waged a battle aimed at reinforcing – at times innovative features compared to some previous and modern jurisprudence – the politics of contrast between libel through me social network. In the prime minister’s vision, even one will appear Platforms Responsibility, while forcing the latter to provide more details to reconstruct the identity of those users who post comments denigrating others, thus cancelingAnonymous on the Internet.
Anonymity on the Internet, a commitment from the Australian Prime Minister
The regulatory package, which Parliament will decide on at the beginning of next year, takes into account the phenomenon of the outbreak fake profile – Its sole purpose is specifically to spread hate through a computer keyboard or in front of a mobile device’s touch screen – and the need to re-establish, within the framework of legality, a case that the president had also recently announced himself from the United States, Joe Biden, went so far as to Saying that “misinformation relayed on social media is killing people.” Equally important is the comment of the Prime Minister of Australia, who said in a televised press conference that “the online world should not be wilds of the west Where bots, haters, and trolls move freely and anonymously with the goal of harming people, virtually with impunity.”
Fighting anonymity online: the complaint system is ready
Project Law against anonymity on the Internet It can be summarized in three bars and includes creating a file complaints system For the benefit of people who consider themselves deformed through posts on social networks: the purpose, in particular, is to encourage the victim – by simplifying the procedure – to report the incident, leading to the final removal of the offending content. The social network will legally require the libel to agree to release their personal data if the latter does not delete the comment, and if the libel continues to be rejected, the digital platform can then be forced, through a so-called “end user information disclosure order” submitted by the legislative draft to be submitted to the court federation Personal Data from the commentator. This is regardless of its effectiveness consent.
social responsibility
The bill insists above all on another novelty: responsible Direct from social networks, this is in compliance with the initiative according to which “platforms that create virtual space must take care to comply with the law, and thus make it safe.” It is a position, by accepting Federal Prosecutor Michaela Cash, as it is coup In a recent court case, it ruled – not without bafflement – that media companies bear responsibility for comments posted by third-party users, and this applies regardless of expressive knowledge. The Supreme Court ruling had actually led to a domino effect, leads some companies – like CNN To disable the Facebook profile in Australia. “It is important to make sure that everyone is certain who is responsible for third-party comments,” Cash said.
In the vision of the bill that aims to “expose” angry trolls on social media, digital platforms will be responsible for defamatory content hosted on their pages. Thus, in the absence of identification, social networks will pay for the suspension of the character protected byAnonymous on the Internet.
first comments
The legislative process will take shape initially 2022, the date on which Parliament will be summoned to discuss the bill. At the moment, many explanatory details are still missing, such as the lack of clarification on the seriousness of the defamatory content and thus the formation of the obligation of social networks to disclose the identity of the troll. What is certain is that the regulatory package will have an impact only Australia, but it is not certain that the latter will in the future become a pilot project for a broader process to review laws relating to defamation and the fight against anonymity. On the other hand, the reform moved with Prime Minister Scott Morrison opening: “If defamatory contents are not allowed in the real world, in the same way they should not be recognized even in the virtual world.”
However, the bill has already drawn some comments. Professor Michael Douglas of the University of Western Australia stated that Law against anonymity on the Internet The one proposed by the government is a “political theater”. As it resonates TwitterAccordingly, any move by the Australian government to crack down on anonymous accounts would be ineffective and fail to reduce the amount of abuse committed on the same platform.
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