Who is responsible and how to apply. The complete guide

    Who is responsible and how to apply.  The complete guide

    Spectacles Bonus, the platform that allows you to request the contribution reserved for households whose value does not exceed 10 thousand euros active …

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    Bonus glassesactive platform Which allows you to request the reserved contribution for families whose value does not exceed 10 thousand euros who have purchased after the 1st of January 1, 2021 or will purchase by the 31st of December 2023 glasses or contact lenses.

    What is it and how much is it worth

    The visa bonus is a contribution of €50 that can be requested only once for each member of a family unit with an index of equivalent economic status (isee) not exceeding €10,000.

    Check out our Frequently Asked Questions

    as you ask

    It is possible to order the Visa Bonus starting May 5 at 12 noon as a voucher to spend in authorized stores and as a refund for a purchase already made. For the scholarship, the following are required: one self-declaration, indicating ISEE of not more than €10,000; Spid, Electronic Identity Card (Cie) or National Service Card (Cns) to access the platform and invoice or commercial documents, in the event of a refund.

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