Who earns the most in paychecks?


    In 2022 the IRPEF underwent a significant reform, which raised rates from five to four, with certain individuals favored more. So let’s find out who earns the most at the new rates and how salaries change for each income bracket.

    revenue agency

    with the New personal income tax rates, System envelopes to push for the income categories considered. mention it with The new budget law, the IRPEF will no longer have five rates, but it will have four: What will that entail in terms of taxpayer salaries?

    Recent studies of Labor Consulting Studies Foundation They highlighted how families’ salaries have changed, taking into account the different income categories of the latter.

    IRPEF 2022: News after the Budget Law

    2800 Revenue Agency

    the the new IRPEF It has undergone important changes with the new budget law, as also confirmed by Labor Consulting Studies Foundation, especially with regard to In parentheses of rates IRPEF, new method discounts account, annuities e Renzi’s Reward. the New rates It will be divided as follows:

    Read also: New income tax categories: How are pay slips changing?

    • The first tranche: income up to 15 thousand euros at a rate of 23%;
    • The second tranche: income from 15 thousand euros to 28 thousand euros at a rate of 25%;
    • Third tranche: income from 28 thousand euros to 50 thousand euros, at a tax rate of 35%;
    • Fourth tranche: Entry of more than 50 thousand euros, 43%.

    Benefits Tangible of this new tax rate setting, the income included will have them Between 25 thousand and 35 thousand euros, which will have an extension Increase the discount 65 euros. the Renzi’s Reward It will continue to be received by those with an income between 15,000 and 28,000 euros.

    IRPEF 2022: Who is earning the most with the new rates?

    tax calculation

    The news at IRPEF 2022 shows how it’s done It is definitely more useful for middle and high income. Taking some practical examples, an employee who earns 10 thousand euros annually will have a saving of €122While whoever wins 15,000 will save 422.

    Those who earn 30,000 euros per year will see their salary increase by 1,151 euros, while those who earn 40,000 euros will save 1,143 euros.

    Finally, for incomes above 50 thousand euros, there will be a savings of 990 euros. So it seems clear to what extent the reform is more beneficial for medium to high incomes.

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