Where is the 1500 Euros of Super Cashback?

    Where is the 1500 Euros of Super Cashback?

    Who was hoping to be able to receive I 1,500 EUR subordinate Super cash back So to go forward with birthday presents In a week Black Friday I left with a dry mouth. Nobody has received yet wire transfer Or at least that’s what we learned from the comments we received in the editorial office and from those on the Internet.

    Super Cashback: Bank Transfer Days

    100,000 participants in State cashback that between January and June the largest number of valid transactions (787 at least) Should anyway Collect the money tomorrow Or at the latest in the next few days, considering the necessary wait for the transaction to be accounted for by the banking system. This is what we read Frequently Asked Questions Consap.

    The special cashback, known as Super Cashback, will be refunded by November 30, 2021, without prejudice to the technical bank deadlines for crediting the remittance.

    The same insult Two additional checks are suggested if payment is late in arrival.

    • It is possible that the bank transfer was issued on the last day of the refund and it is necessary to wait for the technical times of the bank for credit (up to 10 days).
    • Make sure that you have indicated the IBAN number correctly in the fileio . app. Otherwise, register your bank details in the app to allow Consap to refund you later.
    • Verify that your existing account, indicated during registration, is still active.

    the program State cashback He was permanently canceled by the Draghi government with a decision taken at the end of October, although official site Semester 3 (January – June 2022) is still active. Part of the executive branch, specifically some members of the 5-Star Movement, said they wanted it somehow Maintain operational initiative, without explaining how to do it.

    Instead, it stays there lottery receipt, which was also introduced by the Conte government a year ago with the dual aim of encouraging the use of digital payments anti-epidemicevasion Which burdens the public treasuries and society.

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