WhatsApp suspends the account of users who have performed certain operations. Let’s figure out which of them so as not to lose the ability to access the messaging application.
Use of WhatsApp requires acceptance of some rules and conditions; If you violate the application, you can proceed to suspend or cancel the account.
Millions of users use it every day The WhatsApp For chatting, sending files, videos or photos, for business contacts, organizing dinner, traveling or meeting up with friends. Using the messaging app is very easy as the actions are done automatically; Functions are well known and used to simplify operations now Usually. Listen to songs twice as fast to save time and send “self-destruct” messages, Use the app to find the parked carWell-known – and lesser-known – tricks abound but plus many advantages to know there are rules to be respected. By taking specific actions, in fact, you risk having the account restricted, suspended or even canceled.
WhatsApp, the processes that cause account suspension
sending unsolicited messages, advertisements or campaigns, Use two accounts on the same device All of them are considered illegal actions that involve the application of restrictions on WhatsApp. The same fate also for those who carry out operations skimming. Web scraping refers to the extrapolation of data from web portals, applications, and software. This computer technology is applied through the use of robots that identify, transform and store a lot of data and metadata in order to analyze it.
The collected data can then be used to access Legal or illegal objectives. If the purpose is marketing, the action is legal; On the other hand, if the data is used by hackers and cybercriminals to deceive users, their control mediates publish sensitive data Then we are in the field of illegal operations. Likewise, it is not allowed to collect private information Without the owner’s consent.
Consequences to know
Anyone who collects data for profit or for generally illegal purposes can be accused of copyright infringement, privacy violation or breach of contractual terms. WhatsApp clearly indicates the consequences of those who commit such violations. Skimming targeting Save photos, phone numbers and cases of others Without the owner’s consent, he will be punished with Account Suspension Which can be temporary or permanent. Before performing actions that are punishable by the messaging app, it is a good idea to think about the process you are about to perform and avoid completing it with its own choice Compliance with directions from WhatsApp.