Whatsapp important news in the states | A job everyone wants

    Whatsapp important news in the states |  A job everyone wants

    With the continuous development of technologies related to communication, the need for new functions haunts any user. It seems that many telecoms managers have recognized these needs and have tried to give the community all the features that can improve the quality of using the application. Just think of WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service that constantly offers updates that make the service more complete and useful for any need.

    WhatsApp and its functions

    WhatsApp logo on the phone screen
    Open this notification

    For several years now, i Telecommunications Services They have made many steps forward in their journey of continuous bonding. Just think of how much easier and more immediate communication is now than it was a few years ago. the Social media How do Facebook They have allowed everyone to stay connected, even when great physical distances get in the way.

    Then they arrived Instant messaging services That brought fast and cheap ways communicate with anyone around the world. What was required was a smartphone and an internet connection.

    Fits with this perspective The WhatsAppby far one of the most used and popular instant messaging services. WhatsApp was created in 2009 It was built by two former Yahoo employees and was acquired by the business group in 2014 Halfa group created by Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook.

    one of WhatsApp has been on the rise rapidly is inevitable and several factors have favored it: first of all, WhatsApp has revealed itself, since its first versions, an application withvery clean interface, Which also favored the use of those who were not very accustomed to using electronic devices.

    Another determining factor is Free service. Finally, we must take into account the incredible attention that the Meta developers team pays to the user community. In the last period they were included Lots of features That transformed WhatsApp from being a simple instant messaging service, into aApplication from different applications.

    For example, with WhatsApp this is possible Send photos and videos And with one of the latest updates, the ability to cast has been added Very high quality pictures. To do this, we leave you Article with our quick guideso that you can also make WhatsApp useful for business situations that require excellent quality images and photos.

    Or again, a very useful function is a job voice messages. But it really seems that among the novelties in development something is moving precisely in relation to Voice interactions on WhatsApp. What specifically is it about?

    Audio status update

    Pictures of a girl recording a voice message
    off to the vowels

    The most hardworking WhatsApp users know all too well What are the states But for starters, it is a function that allows you to participate Updates with text, images, videos and GIFs which remains visible for up to 24 hours.

    States can be considered as WhatsApp response to other services such as Instagram For example, where there are stories that practically perform the same function. So it is an attempt by WhatsApp throw yourself into the social sphere, more forcefully.

    And now, interesting news arrives that seems to be heading in that direction. With a new beta version of WhatsApp on android2.22.21.5 to be exact, wanting to try a job that would allow it Upload voice notes as status updates on WhatsApp.

    It is located at about a closed beta And only the lucky few find themselves able to experience this feature. The information we have comes from us Wapita info that identified its main characteristics.

    It is said that it will be possible Choose a background color For our registration. Viewing will happen by other users Through some kind of animation. Play the voice note It will also be automatic: This means that anyone looking at a status with an audio note will immediately hear the audio that was recorded.

    The audio note It cannot exceed 30 seconds in duration And it will be protected by end-to-end encryption which we describe for those who don’t know what it is This article.

    To use this feature, in addition to Install the latest update From WhatsApp it will be necessary to press on the classic The button to capture a voice message; Then you will need to save the file and confirm Post it as a status update.

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