WhatsApp has become a social network? Mark Zuckerberg Announces Access Communities: What They Are and How They Will Work

     WhatsApp has become a social network?  Mark Zuckerberg Announces Access Communities: What They Are and How They Will Work

    Did we need another social network or something? Maybe not. but second Mark Zuckerberg Yeah. and for this The WhatsApp, The world’s most used messaging app, is evolving and will become more and more as a social network.

    The new feature is called social communication, aims to bring together multiple groups on chat whose members know each other and come together on the basis of a common interest. This way it will be possible to reach more people quickly, with just a few messages. Zuckerberg launched this new feature and described it as an “important development” for Whatsapp. “With today’s launch, here we are pushed further Allowing people to communicate not only with friends and closest contacts, but also with all the different communities that are a part of their lives – Mark Zuckerberg explains in a Facebook post – We will create community messaging functionality as well for Messenger, Facebook and Instagram.”

    For example, it would be possible to unite the diverse under the same community groups Class School, or various sports or study groups, thus creating a “supergroup”. But who will need the initiative? Sending messages within the community will not be free. Only administrators will be able to send messages. WhatsApp explains: “This way, you will avoid unnecessary or overburdened communications.” A faster and simpler way to send general alerts about activities that affect many people, to notify of critical times, issues, etc. In addition to the school, companies, agencies and organizations will be able to create their own communities, thus using Whatsapp a bit like a Facebook wall.

    However, Zuckerberg emphasized in the announcement that privacy as well as end-to-end encryption and all security functions will remain unaffected, and therefore will be integrated from the start. The Facebook founder says, “Many people tell us they want to use WhatsApp for this because it’s the easiest way to keep in touch with people,” but so far, it hasn’t actually been implemented.

    In addition to the new feature, Zuckerberg also announced that it adding the new Careers to groups, such as the ability to send feedback, share large files, or make conference calls with multiple people.

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