Home World What will Merkel do after the elections in Germany? She can...

What will Merkel do after the elections in Germany? She can be a consultant…

  What will Merkel do after the elections in Germany?  She can be a consultant...

Angela Merkel From next September 27, she could become a simple 67-year-old pensioner, even if it’s a little different from other Germans given a €15,000 per month check waiting for her once her office is out.

In fact, on September 26 Federal elections in Germany, the first in sixteen years that will not see Angela Merkel on the field as a candidate for the CDU and CSU chancellor.

Farewell to the declared policy for some time, which is reflected in the domestic and foreign policy of Germany: at home i Surveys indicate that the Democrats Crisariano are in sharp decline, to the point that they could dramatically remain outside the composition of the next majority, while on the international front during this crisis in Afghanistan All the lights in Europe were on Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson.

But what will Angela Merkel do after she voted in Germany? The most adopted hypothesis is that of a retreat from private life, even if the chancellor, once the polls close, may remain in place for several months.

Angela Merkel’s future

After the last federal elections in Germany 2017Well, it was expected Five months before forming one great alliance To support the fourth Merkel government. Given the law of purely proportional election, a similar scenario could also be repeated in 2021.

With the CDU-CSU, SPD and Verdi pointed out in the near-dual polls, it wouldn’t be easy to find a majority agreement: the interested onlookers are Liberals and Left Link.

The next advisor will be Most Voted Party Candidate that will be part of the majority, but on the composition great alliance So far, only several hypotheses have been developed.

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What seems certain is that Angela Merkel should do it Stay on top of the country at least until December, then passes the baton when the Bundestag finds its new chancellor.

As soon as she left the political scene, Merkel has repeatedly declared that she wants to Take a Break. Recently, there have been numerous rumors about his health condition.

However, the future as a simple pensioner does not suit those who for the past sixteen years have been one of the most influential political leaders in the world: after an initial break, for her there can also be positions at the European level, although much will depend on the outcome of the vote In Germany.

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