Home science What is the right time of the day to brush your teeth

What is the right time of the day to brush your teeth

What is the right time of the day to brush your teeth

For oral hygiene, when is the right time of the day to brush your teeth? Because brushing your teeth every day is important to your oral health, it is also imperative that you understand when it is best to do so. You may know the number of times you brush your teeth per day, as mentioned in this Article.

For example, some brush their teeth three times a day – after breakfast, after lunch, and before bed. But is it really the right choice for proper oral hygiene?

It is the right time of the day to brush your teeth

It is important to know when to brush your teeth. Because only in this way can teeth last and maintain their health for life. For example, is it a good idea to brush your teeth in the morning before or after breakfast? Often preferred later. But brushing your teeth right after breakfast is not the best option. This is because foods with a high acidity rate are eaten in the morning. Ironically, brushing your teeth immediately afterward may weaken them.

Therefore, the best option is to always brush your teeth before eating. This is especially true when consuming acidic foods that range from soft drinks to cheese, through baked goods and all foods that are typical for breakfast, from tea to coffee, to chocolate.

Pay attention to the correct pH of the mouth

If you decide to brush your teeth after a meal, whether it’s breakfast, a snack, a snack, lunch, or dinner, there is a trick to protecting your dental health.

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And not only do you wait a little, so without brushing your teeth right away, but also simply rinsing your mouth thoroughly with water. This way, in fact, the correct one will be restored more quickly PH from mouth.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings for this article, which they can refer World Health Organization”)

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