What is Marmite, Australia’s beloved spreadable cream

    Marmite 1

    very common among British populationat Italia Still not very well known: let’s talk about a file small cooking utensilsOne Spreadable cream Based on Brewer’s yeast. The British They mainly consume it a breakfast oa Snack and in Australia There is a difference called vegemiteconsidering thenational food. Other countries where this type of cream is produced and eaten are South Africa and the new Zeland. The appearance is characterized by dark color While the smell and taste are strong. The the taste It is somewhat salty and vaguely similar to that broth Based on soy sauce. The consistency, on the other hand, is sticky. French term small cooking utensils refers to a file casserole Historically used to sell the product and is now represented in posters glass jars that contain it. The origins This spreadable cream dates back to the late 19th century.

    The idea was born from the desire to exploit Brewer’s yeast. The result is a rich diet Energy properties And B vitamins: for this reason small cooking utensils long ago one of foods in food supply fromenglish army. The first yeast-based or shortening cream appears to have been created by a German scientist Justus von Liebig. the first an agency for marketing small cooking utensils In 1902, it was located in Burtonin England. Ingredients needed to prepare it, in addition to Brewer’s yeastme salt and a series of Spices And herbs Like Onions and celery. Not everyone likes the strong taste of this spreadable cream and it is mainly combined with delicate-flavored foods, which reduces its intensity. The classic composition is the one that contains rusk or with Toast and the butter. even with crackers It allows you to prepare delicious appetizers. The bravest also use it to flavor pizza, pair it with cheese, chicken meat, or as a seasoning for soups. The British don’t even deprive themselves of it Burgers and omelettesTo make fillings with a very rich flavor. at Italia In particular I vegetariansTo enrich their dishes with taste.

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