Home Economy Watch Boston Dynamics robots show off impressive dance moves

Watch Boston Dynamics robots show off impressive dance moves

Watch Boston Dynamics robots show off impressive dance moves

Boston Dynamics robots can teach humans a thing or two on the dance floor.

Video shot by Bonnie Burton / CNET

Boston Dynamics Robots can Climb up rough terrainAnd the Doctors help And remind humans Maintain social distancing protocols In public parks. We were just reminded that advanced robots can learn choreography, too.

at Published by Boston Dynamics On Tuesday, the company’s machines – Atlas, Spot the Dog Robot and Handle – dance in perfect harmony with the Contours song that spawned Do You Love Me.

Robots are so good at rocking them on the dance floor that it makes you feel like you’re watching a robot version of the movie Dirty dance, Which also included the song.

The video description reads: “Our entire crew has gathered to celebrate the start of what we hope will be a happier year: Happy New Year of all of us at Boston Dynamics.”

This isn’t the first time Boston Dynamics has demonstrated the cute dance moves of its robots. The company showed off a video of its own Spotted the robot dancing to the Uptown Funk song In 2018.

Previously, Atlas’ robot showed this Gymnastics skills. Atlas, a robot that measures roughly 5 feet tall can complete a series of somersaults, leaps, twists, and handstand. It also understands how to navigate through a file Complex obstacle course.

Discover the dog robot is being just a liking. We just didn’t see Twerk Robot, But it can also Doors are openAnd the Sheep flockAnd the Carrying heavy loadsAnd and Pull Adam Savage in a wheelbarrow.

The grip robot is famous for its ability to do this Warehouse loading boxes. Could Lift the boxes 30 lbs To easily stack pallets.

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