Virginia Scardanzan once again on the podium in the US Collegiate National Finals

    Virginia Scardanzan once again on the podium in the US Collegiate National Finals

    Virginia Sardanzan continues to be the Ultrasicano champion. Friday night, in Pittsburgh, KS (USA), Athletic Selca Conigliano once again climbed onto the podium in the NCAA Division II Indoor Championships, the US Collegiate Championship national final. In fact, the 24-year-old from Treviso mast at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, won the bronze medal in the pole vaulting competition by crossing the crossbar at 4.15 metres. The size is the same as the two players that preceded her on the podium, Keila Davis and Elaine Caemes, who made fewer mistakes.

    Another impressive performance by Cardanzan, who last year managed to climb to the same podium in the NCAA twice, and then in second place, in both internal and external review, as well as graduate an absolute Italian vice-champion in pole vault. The Italian Athletics Championships were held in Rovereto at the end of June. In 2021 in the Stars and Stripes Country, Skardanzan also won the auction competition at the outdoor MIAA Championships, and was nominated twice as a student-athlete at Washburn University in Topeka, where she graduated in kinesiology and was named Central American Athlete of the Year by the American Track Coaches Association and Field and Cross Country (USTFCCCA). Also in America, last May in Kearney, Nebraska, Preganziol solicited soared to 4.35, an action that earned him eighth place on the Italian auction list of all time. He is currently attending his MBA, also at Washburn University.

    “Another good performance by Virginia Scardanzan, who has regained confidence in the auction after a hiatus due to a back injury – Athletica Silca Congliano president Francesco Pesin commented – We know Virginia is an athlete with a huge competitive role and he knows how to get excited especially when she plays the important medals. Day Friday too, although he was not in perfect physical shape, he did his best, and still asserts himself as a champion in the USA. We are sure that this season as well will give us a lot of satisfaction.”

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