Last Friday, then announced postponement of the launch executive decree on exemption from contributions For the self-employed who have been affected by Covid, thesnooze Hectare Delayed “until a further notice” Limit for payment that is set to June 30. The Message 2418 The institute states that Budget Law For 2021, I ordered partial exemption for VAT figures whose income was lower in 2019 50 thousand euros Because of the pandemic, they’ve seen revenue drop by at least 33%. He adds that “the aforementioned law requires defining the criteria and procedures for granting the exemption for the adoption of one or more decisions by the Minister of Labor and Social Policies in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance who Publishing process is defined“.
Therefore, waiting for the decree – what ministries have taken place, but are now under consideration Court of Audit and the European Union Commissionمفوضية – up day Delay Payment terms for the Special Autonomous Administration of Craftsmen and Commercial Activities, the Administration of Self-Employed Agricultural Workers, the Separate Administration of the Self-Employed and the Companies with Employees, “in connection with the need to allow the process of implementation of the above-mentioned regulations and after obtaining express permission from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy”. It should be noted that both “imminent expiration” conditions, such as the June 30 requirement for the payment of the 2020 balance and the 2021 prepayment of income and contributions taxes by members separate management INPS, and that “already expired”. For example, March 16 for companies that make monthly payments. as told ilfatto.itEven associations representing self-employed workers in recent days have advised members to pay to avoid work termination Must be.
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