Home World Variable Delta Alert in Europe: Growing Among Fans and Holidays

Variable Delta Alert in Europe: Growing Among Fans and Holidays

Variable Delta Alert in Europe: Growing Among Fans and Holidays

Warning delta variable In Europe, particularly the outbreaks that multiply during the holidays and among fans. A circular from the Ministry of Health warns that many cases have been reported by Finnish health authorities COVID-19 Among the approximately 4,500 UEFA Euro 2020 fans returning from matches in Russia. Most of the movement back to Finland occurred between June 21 and 25, 2021.

As of July 1, 2021, 481 confirmed cases were reported among passengers returning from matches in Saint Petersburg and 165 secondary cases. Analysis of a subset of samples taken from cases of positive fans confirmed the presence of a delta variant in all cases sequenced thus far. Dutch authorities also reported a Significant increase in cases among students He returned from Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and the Algarve (Portugal). Everyone reported participating in recreational activities, such as large-scale events, concerts, and parties.

In Europe, 70% of new Sars-CoV-2 infections will be due to the delta variant (B.1.617.2) By the beginning of August and 90% by the end of August. Any relaxation during the summer months of measures “without a simultaneous increase in the levels of full vaccinations in the population, could lead to a sudden and significant increase in cases of Covid-19 in all age groups”, Especially those under 50 years old 50, with a concomitant increase in hospitalizations and deaths,” as stated in the ministry’s document signed by the Director of Prevention at the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rida, which calls for vaccination, tracing and sequencing.

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Health Minister Roberto Speranza does not hide his concern about the risks of new infections: “Tomorrow will be an exceptional day for Italian sport. European football and Wimbledon end with the Azzurri as champions. It is a great joy after horrific months. Even in these moments of national pride, we never forget that our game to defeat Covid has not yet been won. We support our heroes ResponsiblyRemember the rules of spacing e Using the calendar correctly».

Covid-19 epidemic curve Meanwhile it continues to rise All over Italy, especially among young people. In Friuli Venezia Giulia, 80% of cases in the past few days were under 40 years old, and the latest ISS-Ministry of Health surveillance also confirms the trend with a mean age of 31 years. 1,400 positive tests were identified in the past 24 hours, according to Health Ministry data. On Friday there were 1,390. Instead, there were 12 victims in one day, while the previous day there were 25 victims. The situation does not give rise to concern about the number of hospitalized people. But the infection rate is increasing and exceeds 10 cases per 100,000 residents in 33 governorates.

between these, 11 has an incidence greater than 20, as evidenced by analysis by mathematician Giovanni Sebastiani, of the National Research Council’s Mauro Bacon Institute for Computational Applications (Cnr-Iac). Meanwhile, “the increase in the estimated curve for the proportion of positive molecular tests has a current value of about 1.3%, while the minimum 12 days ago was 0.85%,” the expert notes.

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“The ICU admission curve – he adds – is stagnating with an average value in the last seven days of about 6.5 admissions per day, a value similar from a statistical point of view to that of the previous seven days.” There are 33 counties that “in the last 14 days have shown an increased incidence of positives and at the same time had an infection value in the past 7 days greater than 10 cases per 100,000 population”. Of these, 11 have an incidence greater than 20.