Vampire devices, sucking money out of your pockets: turning them off isn’t enough

    Vampire devices, sucking money out of your pockets: turning them off isn’t enough
    1 household appliances are not lost
    Home appliances – passion for technology

    As we well know, expensive energy is spreading not only in Italy but throughout the European Union. The problems began to be accurate about a year ago, when the first conflicts broke out in Ukraine, which brought with them many consequences at the level of the economy and energy.

    In particular, we note the reckless rise in the prices of basic foodstuffs, such as peanut oil, which was subsequently reflected in general inflation in the food sector. Added to this is the indiscriminate increase in the cost of energy in general, whether for methane gas or electricity.

    It was precisely this event, in this case, that forced the main energy supply companies (such as Enel Energia, for the Italian territory) to increase their relative energy bills, causing a great deal of discontent from European citizens.

    This is how the governments of the main European countries immediately took measures against this expensive energy, in such a way as to help above all the most needy segments of the population. With regard to the Italian Government, for example, we mention the Aiuti-Bis Decree and the Aiuti-Ter Decree, which introduced, among other things, an energy bonus of 150 euros, which can be directly deducted from the cost of the invoice items, in addition to all tax exemptions and deductions provided for the installation of the photovoltaic energy system, as well as incentives for the purchase of new generation home appliances.

    Although this aid has been really important for Italian citizens, many families still face the risk of carrying the poverty line, forcing them to bear the burden of such huge bills.

    Useful Tips

    Thus, today we present to you some tips to reduce electricity consumption, and thus save large sums of money at the end of the month.

    In particular, we will focus on household appliances, which are undoubtedly the most used appliances in the home environment, especially nowadays. However, there are some household appliances that actually consume a lot of energy even when they are turned off: this is the case, for example, of the electric oven, as well as all other appliances nowadays that are equipped with a liquid crystal display, which lights up even if the appliance is turned off .

    home appliances 2 maieduin
    Electric oven – a technological passion

    We therefore recommend disconnecting the power supply from devices such as a microwave oven and the like, because even these screens can involve energy expenditure, which should be avoided in current times.

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