The journey continues for “Stracci,” the documentary about textile recycling in Prato directed by Tommaso Santi, written with Silvia Gambi and produced by Kove. This week, Strachey will be in the US and Australia. It was selected for the Italian Film Festival in the USA. The USA Italian Film Festival takes place in 14 American cities, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The 2022 edition is being held online due to Covid restrictions and features some of the best and latest Italian films directed by award-winning directors and new talent. The movie Rags was made available online on March 20-21 for audiences in the United States. “Stracci” has been selected for the Los Angeles-Italy Festival of Film, Fashion and the Arts: it will be visible from March 24-26 on the festival platform. Australia is also interested in learning more about Prato’s reality: on March 25 at 6pm it will be shown in Brisbane, at the Queensland College of Art. An event organized by Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University, in collaboration with the Dante Italia Association. The theater was already completely sold out and the organizers had to open a waiting list. Finally, on April 28, the film will be shown in Glasgow, in another historic home of wool, at the Glasgow Film Theatre, with the support of the Glasgow School of Art. Meanwhile, “Stracci” is appearing on online rental platforms Chile, Rakuten and CG Entertainment.
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