USA Against Famine: Announces $2.5 billion in food aid for Africa


    Africa comes face to face with the horrific repercussions of famine; The United States announced a $2.5 billion relief package.

    L’Africa It is about to enter into one of the most serious and complex food crises in its history. Many African countries actually come face to face with frightening connotations famine: Drought and a succession of heavy floods have wiped out crops, forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes. Reports from the health authorities indicate conditions on the verge of collapse, especially in Somalia. Where the water crisis is accompanied by a sharp rise in food prices; chad, You grapple with the most extreme weather events of the past 30 yearsThe; kenya, Where shepherds are forced to sell weak and emaciated cattle. In this context, great help will come in the near future from United State America, which recently pledged to invest $2.5 billion in food aid.

    Help from the White House, but not only


    The announcement came directly from the President of the United States, joe biden, Who precisely determined how the above economic resources will be used to help and Food Safety In the medium and long term. And the White House chief commented in this regard during the last day of the tripartite summit held in Washington, accompanied by the leaders of 49 African countries and the African Union itself, “We are facing a global food crisis.” “But nowhere was it more felt than on the African continent.”

    Today, famine strikes again Horn of Africa” Then continue. “Soaring food prices and elevated trade barriers are straining the lives and livelihoods of millions of people across the continent.” Horn example is exactly the case: the whole area is bleeding profusely, with the number of people at risk hunger rose to 22 million individuals.

    Among the elements that led to such an acute crisis there is undoubtedly the aforementioned Climate change , But the continuing civil strife and economic stagnation associated with the spread of the epidemic from COVID-19 and most recently, in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Speaking of Kyiv and Moscow, it’s not just humanitarian aid arriving from the Land of the Stars and Stripes: a few days from Extension of the so-called wheat agreementwhich over the past few months has allowed an extensionUkraine to restore exports through the Black Sea; An agreement was found to send del wheat And other food in a way Free for African countries themselves.

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