United Kingdom, Liz Truss towards Downing Street settlement instead of Johnson. his plan? Lower taxes on the rich

     United Kingdom, Liz Truss towards Downing Street settlement instead of Johnson.  his plan?  Lower taxes on the rich

    plan shorthand tax for upload L ‘Economie benefit above all attach richer Of the population. This is the strategy that Liz Truss, the British Foreign Secretary, favors to replace her Boris Johnson to me Downing Street Starting Tuesday, September 6th. get rid of the theory Economy flowing downTruss explained in an interview with BBC That the end result of this financial maneuver would be, in his opinion, one activation from the economy able to benefit everyone.

    “It is wrong to look at economic policy from the perspective of redistribution“Happy Truss. These discussions have dominated the economic debate over the past 20 years and what we’ve seen is relatively low growth. a Error Which has been repeated for a long time,” continued the minister on the eve of the announcement of the name of the new party leader Conservative Party. The party’s nearly 200,000 members were voted on by mail, and on Monday, after the ballot box has been counted, the winner will be announced. Expectations see it before feathery sonaka former chancellor who resigned in early July after questioning the competence and morals of Johnson, to whom he was considered the natural heir.

    The new Prime Minister will take office in Downing Street as early as September 6 but must first be formally awarded by queen Elizabeth. One novelty: this time, exceptionally, the traditional ceremony will not take place as usual a Buckingham castlebut Balmoralthe royal residence in ScotlandWhere is the king these days.

    Policy Conservative Party also talk about a floor From Emergency To face Dear Energy which he considers “vital” and which, if he were prime minister, he would disclose within a week of taking office. He explained that it is necessary to “strengthen the internal energy supply”, noting that the UK has become too much employee global energy prices.

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