Ukraine; Kyiv and the Russians are preparing to leave the Zaporizhia-Mondo plant

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    According to the head of the Ukrainian nuclear agency energy Peter Cotten There will be indications that the Russian military is preparing to leave the nuclear power plant Zaporizhia“In recent weeks we have already received information that there are indications that the Russians may leave the Zaporozhye plant,” the newspaper “Ukranska Pravda” quoted national television as saying. “It is too early to say that the Russian army is leaving the factory,” Kottin stressed, but it can be said that they are “preparing,” “there is an impression that they are packing up and stealing everything they can find.” .

    Kotin also stressed that “the Russian press is suggesting that it might be worth giving up the Zaporizhia plant and putting it under the control of the IAEA.” Finally, the head of Energoatom noted that the Russians had “packed everything they could into the Zaporizhzhia plant: military equipment, personnel, trucks, possibly with weapons and explosives” and booby-trapped the plant’s territory.

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