UK considering tax on snacks: £3 billion on sugar and salt

    UK considering tax on snacks: £3 billion on sugar and salt

    a tax on snacks: Fast food or fast food, with allo content of salt and sugarsReturns can be taxed in the UK for returns 3 billion poundsAbout 3 and a half billion euros. It was proposed by the National Food Strategy, a government initiative program, developed by restaurateur Henry Dimbleby, which speaks of a “lifetime opportunity” to achieve a series of goals: reduce addiction to fast food, reduce meat consumption, contribute to the fight against Global Warming.

    The attitude towards the food of the Queen’s subjects has been defined as “disruptive”: the tendency of consumers and producers towards Ultra-processed foods It is a problem above all for the NHS: it is appreciated تقدير 64,000 deaths a year As a result of malnutrition.

    What the tax would look like: £3 per kilogram on sugar and £6 per kilogram on salt sold in bulk for use in processed foods, restaurants and restaurants. Proceeds will go to fund the free public school canteen system and a nutritional education program. Specifically, a You’ll increase a bag of chips by 1 cent and writing bar Mars 7 cents. The tax has been criticized as regressive, as it would hurt poorer consumers the most. However, Dimbleby believes the real goal is to encourage manufacturers to reduce levels of salt and sugar by reformulating products.

    [Fonte: Guardian]

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