Home sport U-23 rowing: Fantastic performance by FVG athletes at the World Championships –...

U-23 rowing: Fantastic performance by FVG athletes at the World Championships – Sports

U-23 rowing: Fantastic performance by FVG athletes at the World Championships - Sports


The victories of Italian athletes in Ratchez (Czech Republic). 4 gold with Filippo Wiesenfeld at the helm. In the 2 women’s without weights, Samantha Brimrel and Maria Elena Zerboni dominated. He also won four in the lightweight with Ilaria Corazza.

The U-23 Rowing World Championships to frame the tournament at the Labe Arena in Racice in the Czech Republic, which saw Italy on the podium 7 times this afternoon (Saturday), winning three world titles, as there was always the contribution of rowers Friuli Venezia Giulia: 2 of Trieste Wiesenfeld, Premerl, Zerboni del Saturnia and 1 Corazza della Timavo di Monfalcone.
A flawless race of 4, at the helm, in the bow of the bow was Filippo Wiesenfeld, who drove experts Carando, Ferreta, Sabatino and Di Colandria. After skirmishing in the first 500 meters, the blue boat took the lead, on top of the final, crossing the finish line by 6 seconds over Ireland and 8 seconds over the United States, winning the gold medal.
A few minutes later, it was the turn of 2 without the women’s light weightlifters of Samanta Premerl and Maria Elena Zerboni, who had already dominated their drum race, to sign the new world record in the major. Textbook performance of two Spartako Barbu athletes, head coach of the national under-23 team and head coach of Saturnia. Technically flawless progress made the mid-race blue boat an unsurpassable advantage over Germany and the USA, a gap that widened in the final and saw Bremerle and Zerbouni cross the finish line victorious, trailing Germany by 7″ USA by 10 “.
The textbook race, and the 4 women’s lightweight pair in which the tiered, Timavo member, Ilaria Corazza, outgoing world champion, raced with Martinelli, Sali and Passini. A very quick start for the blue quartet, who dominated from the start in the final at the expense of Germany and the United States. The daring, technically flawless Corazza and her companions gave an intense rowing lesson to opponents who arrived separately at the finish line, to the satisfaction of technician Timavo Lorenzo Tedesco, since this year a collaborator in the women’s under-23 sector.

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