Home sport Two Germans in the derby

Two Germans in the derby

Two Germans in the derby

Awaiting official mentions from HippoGroup Roma in the pre-show of Sunday 23 (in any case tickets are priced at € 20 + 3 pre-sale rights for the maximum 1,000 spectators expected as the crowd returns to the races), there are the first official announcements from foreign arrivals in Derby, in the Italian Persians.

I am expected to describe me from Germany. The male is a Hulu trooper belonging to the joint ownership of former footballer Klaus Alofs and the historic Gestut Fahrhof, two former Potemkin partners, winner of Rome 2016 and Piazzale 2020 by us. (in the picture) After three youth positions at home, he is trained by Peter Shergen and a must-have in the Kazakh saddle of Borjan Morzabayev, who has never been seen in Italy. From this year, he first climbed to Schiergen, winner of the German standings in 2019 and 2020 (when he practically doubled second place in the standings: 119 victories against 60 Maxim Pecheur) and also captain in 2021, Murzabayev could decide to stay in Germany to Mount Lord Charming That day in Berlin, in Group 3 to prepare for the local derby. The female is the winner at the table at Berardelli 2020, the only race she has contested so far, because she is not yet back! She was registered in the second set of preparations for the German Aux squad, the group also scheduled for 23 in Berlin, but her coach Hank Greuei and Darius Racing decided to take her back to Roma by introducing her directly in Derby: So far, definitely a very unusual racing career, that special one. Balsawara from Isfahan.

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From France, instead … Japanese was announced! Tokyo Gold is trained by Satoshi Kobayashi and belongs to Teruya Yoshida, who is also a breeder. Curiously, the mother of this Kendargent is a former Italian brigade bearer: Biancarosa, who was soon sold to Yoshida, as a dowry, and was notable for the listed victory in the Maritime Republics 2009 training of Bruno Grizzetti. The final decision on the transfer of this gray, who remains in excellent fourth place at Noailles, will be made on Monday (in this case, it will be in the saddle Cristian Demuro). Instead, MAG’s Gianluca Bitolini, winner of 2020 with Tuscan Gaze, will send Alastor, a Helmet who remained second at the eldest.

Some skepticism must also be clarified on the English front. He definitely looks like an emissary from Mark Johnston, who still has seven of them at stake: among these there is another Japanese-owned horse, Kondo Isami, a Galileo belonging to Toshihiro Matsumoto and his partner, who is registered in the Epsom Derby but also in the “fourth degree” of Handicap Friday in York is, just like Happy, another “leftover” coach for the Scottish coach. Another possible name, coached by Ralph Beckett for Godmonte, is the name of Fabilis, Frankel who remained second in the “3” handicap category won by Juan de Montalban who bought Roveda’s spouses specifically for the Romanian Derby. Regarding the latter, it has been suggested that he could be transported by plane around the time of the race but instead the flight would not be possible and so Juan will leave Andrew Balding’s team today to arrive in Italy in time by a van.

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