In the ninth episode of the program Ready easy medicineSubmission edited and made by Paul CastignaniWe’ll be broadcasting tonight on the 21st and we’ll talk about it Prevention of kidney disease and between Covid19 and influenza
Starting at 21.00 “Prevention of kidney disease” with the doctor Margaret Macaronispecialist in nephrology at the nursing home “Pierangeli” in Pescara, who will highlight how important the kidneys are for our body and, in particular, how these organs can suffer from the effects of an incorrect lifestyle.
from 21.45 Instead a space for very strict current events Between Covid19 and the flu with prof Justin ParottiDirector of the Complex Operations Unit for Infectious Diseases at Hospital Pescara who will assess the situation in relation to the epidemiological trend together with the increasing number of seasonal influenza cases.
At the opening of the transmission there will be a link with Andrew Scaretta, president of the association “Progetto Noemi” to talk about the latest developments in the project to create a pediatric intensive care unit at Pescara Hospital; An initiative implemented by the association with ASL in Pescara and the Abruzzo region and supported by Pronto Medicina Facile.
He will be in the editing room Gigliola Edmundo; Viewers can call the phone numbers 0871/5873232 – 5873233 or write to the address [email protected] To interact directly with specialists.
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